A tag-line is a variant of a branding slogan used to create a memorable phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of a brand or product (like a film), or to reinforce the audience's/users memory of a product.
Examples of famous movie/television tag-lines are: Be afraid. Be very afraid. – The FlyIn space no one can hear you scream. – Alien
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... – Jaws A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... – Star Wars Love means never having to say you're sorry – Love Story Where no man has gone before – Star Trek The truth is out there. – The X-Files
Why Runfaster when you can be a Runcaster - www.runcast.tv In Antarctica Tag-lines ( also known as hand-lines) are something entirely different they are lengths of rope that are used to guide you from one building to the next when blizzard conditions strike. They are sort of like physical tangible memories that reinforce the audience's/users memory of a product in this case the route to safety :-) Photo is a macro shot of a Tag-line with the start/formation of hore frost forming.