Just to let you know I will be attempting to run a Marathon here in Antarctica this Friday and then trying to follow it by taking part in the Halley 10K Fun Run on Sunday 14th (Which is my 32nd Birthday). All things being well that should be a total of 32 miles in 32 hours. For the "Fun Run" part Agnieszka Frychowska from the Britsh Antarctic Survey has set up a Just Giving page to raise some money for the British Heart Foundation (Link attached) http://www.justgiving.com/halleyfunrun
Now normally if I was doing a running event I wouldn't ask for sponsorship but as this isn't a normal run, as its for a good cause, as its Valentines day and as I've almost killed myself training for this (obsessed that this is my last chance to run a Marathon in Antarctica) it would be really cool if we could raise a bit of money for all this effort. If anyone could find it in their heart to sponsor me/us, it would be much appreciated and I've attached the Link ( at the end) to the Just giving Website for you to do so :-) Thanks Phil http://www.justgiving.com/halleyfunrun