Today was one of my first days off for ages so I went on a walk down too Wideawake Fairs ( just next to the airfield here on Ascension Island). This is the home of the Sooty Tern which is a seabird of the tern family found throughout the equatorial zone. Colloquially, it is known as the Wideawake Tern or just wideawake and hence why they call it Wideawake Fairs.
There are thousands of these birds nesting and in antempt to try and scare visitors away the birds make an incessant calls as they swoop down and attack you like something out of the Hitcock movie however they divert right at the last minute and not once did they make contact I did think that if they really wanted to be effective all they needed to do was drop a bit of bird poop and we soon would have left instead we stayed and I took this photo ...which I love!