Monday, 31 May 2010

Got Shingles and how Posterous saved the day!

Photo: Georgetown Hospital, Ascension Island

I've got shingles!!! For the last two weeks I've been plagued by a patch of blisters that I had thought were bites. (You may have seen my previous posts!) However thank to the power of Posterous the photos of my rash where sent to all my different outlets and deposit areas of the web, and my incorrect diagnosis was quickly corrected. Before long I had a stack of comments all supporting the diagnosis and comparing symptoms. Advice was aplenty, almost overflowing and most of it was advising me to get to the doctors and hence how I was persuaded to go to Georgetown Hospital. When I got there apart from being impressed by its colonial look I was also taken back by how quickly the doctor knew what it was....if only I had been quicker to go get my "Bites" checked out sooner....I may have had some better nights of sleep in the last few weeks. So I guess the lesson I've learnt is that the power of a social network goes beyond all that we already think we know!... the more ways we find to interact, the more we give up to it... the more it reveals and teaches us and gives back in return. As I get better, I want to thanks those who took the time to offer their opinions and help point me in the right direction... Thank You :-)
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Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

Thursday, 27 May 2010


How much do I need my sleep...on Tuesday night I slept 12 hours solid and was 30 mins late for work. I had put it down to lack of sleep due to insect bites. Especially as the last good nights sleep (bite free) that I had was back in the UK, over two weeks ago.

Before going to bed I would spend a good twenty minutes searching my room for bugs. Frustratingly this seemed to make no difference and each day I would wake with a new crop of bites right next to the last batch. Adding to my fear and resulting in a spiralling situation of half vigilant sleep

Anyhow on tuesday I was so tired I just collapsed on my bed and fell asleep the moment I got home from work. This started to make me think that the situation is starting to take its toll on me and that I need to see a doctor or something. Especially as I've had it suggested (I will come back to this in a post after seeing the doctor) that I may be suffering with some sort of viral infection and the bites thing may be a red herring!

So that's my plan mid-day today I'am off to see the Doctors and see what their diagnosis is, get the bites sorted once and for all! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Everything wants to bite me and its really starting to bug me!

I've been on Ascension island for just over two weeks now and so far things are a bit miserable. Not because its in anyway a rubbish place to be but because of the insects and their love of English blood. As you can see from the photos one taken a week ago and the close up taken today....I've been attacked in quite a bad way. I've been bitten to bits almost every night, bites on top of bites and its really spoiling what would otherwise be an awesome place. Anyhow I now have mega strength Deet spray Photo!!! Hopefully it should deter the little critters from any further damage, and hopefully I'm not allergic to the spray!...because that would be awful! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Turtle on Long Beach Ascension Island (Video)

Been on Ascension Island now for two weeks (my latest posting) and this morning I thought it was about time I got up early to try and catch the turtles, not literally but in the "got to go see them before they are gone" sort of way. Its the back end of nesting season here and these guys are coming a shore-less and less. I managed to see two in total and it was fantastic to see them with my own eyes in their natural habitat. Really hope that I will be lucky enough to see them again a few more times before they stop coming ashore.

Hope you like the video.

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Audio update and not yet a podcast!

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Memo.m4a (3998 KB)

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Posted via email from Adventures in Runderland

Audio update and not yet a podcast!

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Memo.m4a (3998 KB)

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