Tuesday, 24 July 2012

A quick reviewing my Crappy Day which turned out ok in the end


Early Start Up just before 6 (Crappy because I was supposed to be off - this should have been a Lie in)

Went For a 20 Min Run 1min Run 1 Min Walk x 10 - Ok so thats not crappy!

Did some work at home - Drawing up As-Built Drawings (Crappy because I was supposed to be off)

Drove to Leigh and did some work (Crappy because I was supposed to be off) from 2:30 to about 4 then went shopping at the trafford Centre until 6:30pm

Then got stuck in Traffic for 3 Hours : Official end to Crappy Day

Weighed myself …I've lost 10lb since start of July (Result)…not such a crappy day after all :-)

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

Burning the candle with no Beer

There is a cycle which I seem to go through. It involves procrastination and deadlines and eventually burning the candle at both ends.

Traditionally when this happens the night before a deadline I stay up late and try to get as much done as possible. I then try to get up early to get a head start. 9/10 times I get really stressed and therefore struggle to get to sleep. This is where beer comes to the rescue, as it normally knocks me out. It also normally wakes me up as my bladder kicks in around the time I need to get up.

Last night I due to my fitness drive and something called the #3men3stone challenge I chose to dodge beer all together and the results where....

Still felt crappy but at least I knew it was down to the lack of sleep and not a mini hangover...infact this is the least crappy I've felt after a candle session for as far as I can remember ...definitely a good thing.

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

Monday, 16 July 2012

Phil shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Phil just shared an Instagram photo with you:

view full image

"20,000 thats forward progress #3men3stone "

The Instagram Team

Phil shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Phil just shared an Instagram photo with you:

view full image

"16 st 10.00 lb #weighin #3men3stone that's another 2lbs down "

The Instagram Team

Sunday, 8 July 2012
