The problem with coming home having spent months away is that your greeted by all your problems, all at once. Bank card has just been blocked, New Fuel Card expired?? breaks on car seized, hot water in flat non existent, broadband service stopped, other bills haven't been paid. Outstanding Work to do, medicals for Antarctica to pass, dentist probably will just laugh at my life today reads like an Eminem lyric ...apart from the fact I haven't tied anyone to the bed and set the house on fire! Most these things are only minor inconveniences but with only 30 days at home its the time I can't afford trying to fix them that's the problem . The frustrating thing is they will get fixed and I will disappear again for another 4 months and when I return it will probably be the same all over again so should I bother! Anyhow please forgive me for moaning I will try not to make a habit of it, going to go get some Pizza and make the most of the good stuff about being home! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
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