Friday, 29 October 2010

The Old Movie Deficit!

When living in remote locations like Ascension Island or Antarctica it's important to have a good stock pile of movies. With a lack of retail outlets and bandwidth at a premium it's prudent to go with a hard-drive preloaded or full DVD wallet with all your favourite movies.

Having travelled away several times now I've begun to notice a trend and it seems that there is a deficit of old films in the media pool. An abundance of copies of Avatar and Hurt Locker, Shrek and recent movies but no one seems to have the old films especially the video nasty type.

You do seem to find copies of "Back to the Future" and "Karate Kid" but no one seems to have copies of the films like "Robocop" or "Childs Play".

My theory is that where as most people who are in there 30s got to see the PG rated stuff, the violent/horror movies titles only the naughty kids got to see. Chances are if your 30 by the time you were old enough to watch an 18 it would have been Trainspotting or Reservoir Dogs. Anyhow regardless for the reason I've got a month before I head back South and it's my mission to collect as many forgotten 80s classics as possible in advance of those long Antarctic nights. Any suggestions??? (Oh btw - I've already got the "The Thing" :-)

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

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