Monday, 15 June 2009

We Carry On->

Sunday, 14 June 2009


Before I last went to Antarctica I had an established regime. It was a regime that I had developed for my Triathlon that involved swimming on Sundays and Thursdays, Cycling on Wednesdays and Saturday and Running Tuesdays and Fridays.

It was perfect but then two things happened , firstly I injured my self on the trail run stage of the Xttera. (My running never recovered ). Secondly I left society for 4 months and everything, and I mean everything was erased. Therefore my regime evaporated and I have since redefined it as follows.

  • Monday: Rest from Running (Streching/Yoga Moves)

  • Tuesday: Home gym session as a warm up. 2 Mile Jog , 30 Mins @ Marathon pace followed by a quick Mile at 10K Pace, 1-2 Mile warm down. Stretches

  • Wednesday: BRICK workout: Bike ride followed by a Run at a slow 30 to 60 Min. Stretches

  • Thursday: Home gym session as a warm up. Run 30 t0 60 (Half at slow jog and half at predicted Marathon Pace) Stretches

  • Friday: Rest from Running

  • Saturday: Home gym session as a warm up. Run 30 to 50 mins with minimum 8No short 100m stride included. Stretches

  • Sunday: Long Run increasing length by 10 per week up to @ 75 to 100 % of predicted race time. Followed by a Swim. Stretches

Now the above is my ideal, training regime. Due to lack of an established habit and time constraints i struggle most of the time to achieve the above but its what Iam striving towards.

Last but not least I increase intensity for two weeks then drop down to the pre two week millage for the third week. I then drop back in where I left off but with a 10% increase.

As I train to get myself in shape the following will be the blueprint I report against, so let see how I get on.


Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Emailing to my blog

Ok, the dust has settled and I now have excepted that O2 are not interested in my love of all things Apple. For me to get my hands on the latest 3GS phone I would need to buy myself out of my existing contract :-(

The only perk in doing this will be to get video on my phone, so my plan is to hold out at least untill I return from Antarctica next March.

In the meantime going to keep on loving the 3G phone and going to be using my Blackberry to compensate for the failings in my iPhone. 1 advantage of this is the QWERTY keyboard which I love and makes blogging via email easy. Hence this email test.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Sunday, 7 June 2009

economy of the mind

I was thinking tonight whilst on my run, something is terribly wrong, so much so that i decided to type and post this on my phone as I cooled down on my warm down walk.

As I pass through a cross-section of society, one min running past million pound homes and the next skipping over shopping trolleys on the fringe of a council estate, I had these thoughts, haunting thoughts.

I fit somewhere in the middle ground of these two worlds no way rich but I have a decent job that pays a decent wage yet from where I am, I see something is wrong. Something is wrong with a system that encourages all people to spend money they haven’t got, buying stuff they mostly don’t need, to impress people they mostly dont know let alone like (who i must add all seem to have lots more than you).

The money you do have, then gets used to pay back the money you didn’t have, at the cost of not seeing or spending any time with the people who do matter (and you do infact like).

You then find yourself clinging to a job you hate trying to make ends meet, in a society that has flipped from haveing plenty (more than you). To suddenly having nothing, but yet in having nothing people seem to still be better off than you.

You stop and look around, and when you do everyone seems to be facing the other direction. There hiding their faces, avoiding eye contact. You shout and now you see their hands over their ears , you grab someone turn them around and their face is blank..they cannot speak..they offer no help…they cast no shadow. In a whisper the wind changes direction and as it does the figures turn to dust and diapear in front of your very eyes.

You find yourself and all your stuff…thats all there is!!!

….now this is just a distorted view, a metaphor of sorts, a product of a tired runners mind. How much of this is actually representative of reality ,depends on the economy of your own mind.

I am off for a shower..see you later!

Here we go again!

This is where I will be casting my shadow for the next few months.
