Saturday, 24 December 2011

Sopa dopa..."don't hold back push it forward!"

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Don't hold back, just push things forward from Ithaca Audio on Vimeo.

This video contains many of my favourite music tracks from the last 10-15 years and a few older but equally respected tracks. Its been mixed using state of the art consumer level technology. It exists because someone gave it a go, and in doing so created something of a celebration of tunes which I know to be cool.

The Internet has allowed this person to distribute this clip and because of this others can also experience what is good about everything contained here through the power of sharing. They may even be inspired to search for these tracks for them selves. This video is a nod to the past and also the future, however the old school don't get it!

The Stop Online Piracy Act will stop this, and as a consequence the producer of this video will not be able to post content like this. Under this new act ,it will be the hosts of content like this who will be breaking the law as well as the publisher. You Tube, Facebook, Twitter any one who allows the sharing to take place.

The idea of the act is to stop online Piracy but the reality will be that it will crush the Internet as we know it.

The simple truth is Big companies like Sony, Universal etc have become lazy. They want our money but want the least barriers to getting it. The Internet has thrown down the gauntlet, it's made getting the message out there easy but at the same time also made the monitizeation of this message difficult. If the brands of yesterday want to compete with the new school they need to stop playing by the old rules and work out a way to deliver something better than the pirateable experience.

If you look at Artists like Plastikman or services like Spotify that's exactly what there doing and that's where the future lies. Rather than fighting the Internet the likes of Sony, Universal etc should be embracing the opportunities it presents and exploring how to take advantage of it rather than hold back progress just because it takes them out of their comfort zone.

In the words of the mash up... "Don't hold back ...Push it forward!"

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

Sunday, 11 December 2011


iWANT.m4v Watch on Posterous

This is a "remix" of the video i posted a few months back of the riots in Manchester. Using the song from the current Christmas John Lewis advert.

I was also reading a William Blake poem the other day and came across the following words which also reminded me of the bit of footage attached.


Taken from the Poem " The Mariage of Heaven and Hell". (Massively Abridged Version)

Now the sneaking serpent walks In mild humility ; 

And the just man rages in the wilds Where Uons roam. 

Rintrah roars and shakes his fires in 

the burdened air, Hungry clouds swag on the deep... 

...Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, rea- 
son and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence. 

From these contraries spring what the religious call Good and Evil. 
Good is the passive that obeys reason;

Evil is the active springing from Energy. 

Good is heaven. Evil is hell. 

That man has two real existing principles, viz., a Body and a Soul. 

That Energy, called Evil, is alone from the Body ; and that Reason, called Good, is alone from the Soul. 

That God will torment man in Eternity for following his Energies. 

But the following contraries to these are true : — 

Man has no Body distinct from his Soul. For that called Body is a por- 
tion of Soul discerned by the five senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age. 

Energy is the only life , and is from the Body; and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy. 

Energy is Eternal Delight. 

Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained; and the restrainer or reason usurps its place and governs the unwilling. 

And being restrained, it by degrees becomes passive, till it is only the 
shadow of desire. 

And the original Archangel or pos-sessor of the command of the heavenly host is called the Devil, or Satan, and his children are called Sin and Death. 

For this history has been adopted by both parties. 

It indeed appeared to Reason as if desire was cast out, but the Devil's 
account is, that the Messiah fell, and formed a heaven of what he stole from the abyss. 


To conclude I have included the above section of the poem because it really does seem to resonate with the goings on shown in the video. You wittness the bursting forward of energy, the expression of desire. That same desire described in the lyrics of the John Lewis advert which ironically has been used to promote consumerisim and further creating the desire to form "a heaven from" what is stolen from "the Abyss".

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous
