Sunday, 13 February 2011

An Antarctic Marathon

Almost a year ago today I challenged myself to run an Antarctic Marathon. I successfully completed it in 4:53 mins. Unfortunately I back then i ran it solo as i had been unsuccessful in convincing anyone else to take part.

Fast forward a year and today it was a different story and another marathon. Unfortunately I couldn't run myself due to injury i've had since the summer but I did have the pleasure of firing the flare to signal the start of this years Marathon which had a starting line of 20+ runners ( of which all but 1 DNF).

It was a very satisfying feeling to think that in someway i had some sort of part to play in the reward on these guys faces as they crossed the finish line, even if the reality was that it was nothing to do with me and more the collective enthusiasm of a special group of individuals. They all did tremendously especially Matt who finished in a rather amazing 3:hours 33

Anyway here's a few photos that I felt captured the event :-)

Posted via email from shadowcast posterous

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