Wednesday, 16 June 2010

John Travolta's Plane

In the last week Ascension Island has become a bit of a hotspot for VIP visitors. On Saturday "Air Force 2" with Joe Biden the Vice president of the USA called in on route home from the opening game of the world cup and then on Monday we had an even cooler visitor. The one and only John Travolta landed his Quantas plane also on route home from South Africa. Unfortunately his wife Kelly didn't feel too good so they stayed on the plane but it was still cool to see his plane after hearing so much about it over the last few years. (Did you know hes got a runway next to his house).

Anyway heres a Video clip of John Travolta's plane recorded Monday (14/06/10) when he landed here on Ascension Island and a load of random current photos from his trip (i took the one of the plane).

Download now or watch on posterous
Travoltas Plane.m4v (12507 KB)

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