To park in the N.C.P the maximum stay is four hours and the charge to do so was £6:90.
I was gone 4 hours and 9 mins.
Those 9 mins which I spent lost struggling to find my way round the unfamiliar streets of the city have cost me £25, because at 4 hours 6 mins a parking attendant issued the ticket in the nice of them!
The cost of parking for 4 hours 9 mins was £32 pounds... Add to this the cost of the tram as I rushed back and it was an expensive visit!
What is annoying is the penalty would have been the same if I hadn't bought I ticket...therefore I would have received a discount of £7. I also wouldn't of had a deadline to work too so I wouldn't have rushed and could have saved some money on the tram also. By trying to play by the rules I got stung almost on every level.
This got me thinking if you can only receive one parking ticket for an offence every 24 hours, the next time I get a ticket for being slightly late the cars staying there overnight to get maximum value for money, by my calculations I could leave it there for 14 hours to break even and after that the next 10 hours I'am actually getting for free!
I probably will never do this, however thinking about it and sharing it on here has definitely made me feel a whole lot better ;)